Friday, July 26, 2013

Free Therapy

So I know I don't post gets in the way. Same excuse I use for working out and getting fit.  With school starting back in 3 weeks my life this past month has slowly become more consumed with my classroom and decorating. I soooo wish I could spend a fortune on my room and decorate it the way I want.
However, teaching at the same building with the same teachers has it's benefits.   I've learned soooo much about myself in the past 6 years teaching.  And some of the teachers have helped me realize some deep stuff about myself, through my reflective teaching.

I am very much a reflective teacher and often first assume that the problem lies within me. Which is a good thing, to an extent.  It's always best to first look within when confronted with a problem instead of automatically thinking there's something wrong with the kids or that they just weren't listening (unless it's a full moon ... then it HAS to be the kids' fault.  I kid...kinda, haha).   But it also backfires on me and that's where my coworkers step in.  I often use them as resources or sound boards when I'm stumped or have a new idea.  One of my coworkers knows me well and knows when I'm being too hard on myself. She reminds me to stop and look at the situation from a "different lens" or she'll flat out tell me that my self-expectations are unrealistic.  I think everyone needs someone like that.   I'm getting off track - oops.

I know they say running is a mental sport.  80% mental, 20% training..or something like that.  I feel for me it is definitely a mental game.  I find it a good therapy session ... although I'm kinda leery of what is going to happen when I get to longer runs because just within the 30 minutes I'm on the road now, I come home with my mind reeling and confused and set and ready for new goals and frustrated and makes me want to run more (or drink).   I know I'm hard on myself. When I was running more consistently to prep for my first 5k, I was on fire.  And it lasted a little bit.  When I started running again, I was disappointed in how hard it was again. I was frustrated that I couldn't run what I was running.  I'm not talking about running an 8min mile like I did in high school. I'm talking about not being able to run a mile, like I did a month prior.  I would get mentally defeated and hate running because I knew I wouldnt be as successful as I was.  Yeah, lame, but it's true.  I started c25k again and even THAT frustrated me.  Again, just being hard on myself and unrealistic expectations. I would even get upset that it was making me upset.  I'd be frustrated that I mentally wasn't willing to push through it all when I knew I could at the time.

Stay tuned for Part 2 where I delve into where I'm at now...will post it in the AM. I know you're dieing to hear the rest of my head-drama.

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