Guess what...I got in TWO workouts today. Not sure I've ever been able to say that!
Today during Abbie's naptime I did the BikiniBodyMommy's Day 2 challenge. WOW - I'm sooo outta shape. I thought it was tough. It was 7 different activities (I think) and I did 3 reps...took about 30 minutes and I had HooBear beside me the whole time. She supported me by sitting on the computer chair, eating Cheez-its, and calling me out when I slacked. At one point while I was doing planks (let it be known that I hate planks) she told me she thought I was actually laying on the ground, crying. Yeah, thanks babe.
So this gives me motivation. I love seeing progress. It's this "high" that I need to remember when I'm dreading going...which was me tonight. Thankfully E made me go. *thanks E*
Tomorrow it's a rest day...Sat is 30 min of cross training and then 2miles on Sunday. Sleep and repeat next week.

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