Soooo I'm fortunate to be married to one amazing guy (93% of the time he's amazing, the other 7% he's pure male, haha). However his job, that we both love, occasionally takes him out of the state. This time he's actually out of the country! This usually wouldn't be an issue, especiallly since I"m still on summer break and can just take it easy with the kiddos until he returns. (Last time he left, it was the first full week of school, I had a 10week old and a crazy clingy 3 year old, AND they had just started at a new baby sitter....yeah, I can handle this time).
But what I didn't realize is how it affects my Half training. Typically Tues/Thurs/Sun are my running days. Once he gets home and we have dinner one of us will go for a run. Thankfully he runs on my off days - it works best that way, for some reason we feel that an adult needs to be here with the kids. Silly parenting, I know... haha. It just dawned on me though....that I can't get out and run tomorrow. That is a problem. I dread the ol' treadmill. Seriously. I can find so many excuses while I'm on it that I neeeeeed to get off. Wait, let me rephrase... that I NEED to get off. Sometimes it's because I forgot to turn on the dishwasher. Or maybe because one of the girls needs a snack. And sometimes it's because I have gotten off too many times to go pee and feel "what's the point?" I'm not kidding. It seems I ALWAYS have to pee more when running inside. Don't get me wrong, I almost always have to pee while outside but not 5 times in one mile. Maybe I hit the floor harder on the dreadmill, or my mind knows the bathroom is super close. Either way, it happens.
What I'm getting at is that I don't know how single mommas do it? Do you run/workout before you pick up the kiddos? I imagine most SAHMs aren't single and so the issue of being single and the kids not at the sitter is never a problem...or am I assuming...or did that even make sense? Either way....I'm doomed to the treadmill this week. Gonna have tos uck it up and do it. No there's no one around to watch the kiddos for me. Luckily it's only 2.5miles but it's 1.5 mile more than I'd ever like to do on the machine. Did I mention I hate the treadmill? ughhhh.
Someone hold me accountable! Check in with me tomorrow on my running day and make sure I ran. Shoot, someone check in with me on off days too to see if I did my strength or XTrain because I'm a slacker there too!
How do you fit in your workouts if you have kids, are a SAHM,, are single, both or well....what keeps you accountable??
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