I started this blog just for me, with no intentions of ever sharing it. BUT I shared it, for the accountability. With Google Reader gone (sad face supposedly...i never used it so I have no sadness there..) but everyone has jumped over to Bloglovin, including me. I <heart> bloglovin for all the blogs I follow, whether they are fitness, family or school blogs. I follow them all via bloglovin.
So if anyone is out there, watching this boring blog, and wants to keep updated to posts via bloglovin, here's my link!
Follow my blog with Bloglovin
And of course, I LOVE comments...who's gonna be the first to leave a little comment??!?!?!
Seriously loving the font on this blog! I didn't make it out to run at all. Glad you made it to the dreadmill. I hate that dang thing. Hoping to hobble my way through a virtual 5K tomorrow morning.