Alright... it's officially August. Since diets/fitness etc can only start on Mondays or first days of the month I suppose it's time to start. Joking. Kinda.
ACTUALLY, one of the facebook groups I'm a part of is hosting a Biggest Loser-esque challenge starting Aug 1st and so I jumped on board. Is it odd that I'm not worried/concerned about winning, but its the whole posting my pics weekly that will keep me accountable and I'm excited to watch the number go down. I'm not ready yet to post my "before" pics on here...too many people that actually know me read this. Once there is progress then I'll post some :) But I can post my weekly weigh-in picture. It's just a number...that's gonna go down. It has to. And with the half training it will. AND I'm taking part in another "challenge", sorta. Here's my weigh-in pic for last Wednesday, the 1st of August. .
I've had tons of people on the facebook group talk about AdvoCare. I don't know enough to tell you about it at all but I can tell you my experience as I go through the 10 day cleanse.'s a cleanse. It's suppose to just "clean everything out" so that your body can better absorb nutrients like it's suppose to. I should be able to eat normal healthy things and not so many restrictions. It's 10 days. I figure I can do 10 days.

Monday I start going back to the classroom every day...all day. I'm hoping my blogs don't suffer but honestly, in the grand scheme of things......being a wife/mommy and then a teacher take priority over my blogs, sorry. Hang in there and hopefully I'll get back into the habit of things soon.

In the mean time...I dug through facebook and found a face shot from 2010, 3 years ago and my 4 year old had just turned one....and I think I can do a side-by-side shot for a possible Transformation Tuesday pic (my first ever! wooop). Let me know if you can see any difference! I think I can!